70—These are a few of
my favourite things...

Evert-Fresh Green bags

I'm not usually one to 'bag' organic fruit + veggies, but...

You know how I’m always banging on about buying organic produce + shopping small? Well, sometimes you’re not always in a position to do so. And, if I had to choose what you should focus on doing (out of these two) I’d choose buying organic produce. (Rather than the ‘supermarket’ variety of fruit + veggies that has been produced unnaturally.)

However, we all know that buying organic produce +  shopping infrequently don’t mix! Your organic produce will most likely have spoiled by the time you get around to eating it toward the end of the week.

Note: When I first changed to organic produce, I couldn’t believe how quickly it deteriorated (approximately 2-3 days) compared to supermarket produce (approximately 7-10 days). This obviously also depends on the type of fruit or veggie.

In order to get around this, I started using Green Bags! These handy wee baggies prolong the life of your fruit + vegetables.

Evert-Fresh Green Bags preserve freshness — without the use of chemicals. Green Bags are made of low-density polyethylene, a food-grade film, which can be recycled1. (They are not biodegradable.)  The technology uses Zeolite (clay) to absorb ethylene gas. Ethylene gas is a naturally-occurring hormone produced by some fruits + veggies as they ripen. Green Bags therefore slow-down the deterioration of produce by reducing gas production.

Note:  These bags are BPA-free.

Stop having to toast your Gluten Free bread for it to be edible

You know how you can only really eat GF bread fresh on the day you purchase it? Because after about 24 hours it goes all hard + nasty. Well, take your GF bread out of its wrapper and pop it into one of these Green Bags to enable you to enjoy fresh GF bread all week!

Note: This is also a good idea if you make your own bread.

A display of different sized Evert-Fresh Green Bags to keep organic produce fresh

The bags are super useful in the following circumstances:

  1. For preserving your organicky goodness

    Green Bags slow-down deterioration by reducing ethylene gas production.

  2. For Travelling Wilburys

    Whether you’re going camping, you have a Motorhome, or even if you’re going into space… These baggies are super useful for a small fridge or for when you have no refrigeration at all.

    Note: Evert-Fresh Green Bags are used in NASA International Space Station missions.

  3. For Gardeners

    Reap what you sow — don’t let all your hard work go to waste!

  4. For those who have more produce than people to eat it.

    These bags are useful for those who are living alone, or for those who have a different diet to the rest of their household. ‘Empty Nesters’ will also find these Green Bags very helpful.

    Note: You’ll notice that most veggies don’t come in single servings…

They're only $1.53 — $1.77 per bag

Small bags (10 packet)  $15.30

Medium bags (10 packet)  $17.70

These bags don’t require ties.  You just fold over the end of the bag to seal in the goodness. Simple stuff.

An array of various different fruits and veggies in Evert-Fresh Green Bags

WIN 1 of 5 packets of Evert-Fresh Green Bags

Simply comment below that you’re keen to try them out!

The winners will be drawn on Friday 15 July 2016.
They will be announced on this blog-post, as well as on the OOMPH + LISA SAID SO Facebook page.

Good luck!

Lisa says:

It's a mixed bag

Reviews on Green Bags suggest some produce suits these bags better than others. Fruits that get mixed results are: tomatos, berries and bananas. (I don’t use my Green Bags for these items very often — but the couple of times I have done so for tomatoes + bananas they have proven satisfactory.)

But, have a play around with these to find out what works for you. You might like to try keeping these in the fridge also — to further slow down the deterioration process.

Note: The ‘bad’ reviews don’t specify what type of produce is used – I’m assuming the supermarket variety (otherwise they would say.) And obviously ‘unnatural’ produce lasts well and therefore doesn’t need to be ‘bagged’.

Reuse them again + again

The manufacturers of these bags reckon they are only good for 8-10 uses. This could be because the Zeolite fails to absorb the ethylene gas at that point. And/or the manufacturers + retailers of these ‘things’ simply want to encourage repeat purchase…

I, for one, am still using the same packet of Green Bags that I purchased over a year ago — and they still keep my organic produce as fresh as a daisy! (To determine how effective the are, keep using them until the prove otherwise.)

This is  good testament to their durability + their efficacy — considering I put my Green Bags through the washing machine (I use eco detergents.) Also, I must say here, that I don’t necessarily use them weekly — I use them as required. And, I may only use a couple of bags at one time.

Note: The manufacturers recommend that you just rinse them and dry them. (I hang mine on the washing line – out of the sun.)

Take them grocery shopping with you

Instead of putting your produce into the plastic or brown paper bags provided at the health food store, simply take your clean Green Bags with you — and fill them up instead!

Not only are you reducing your overall usage of plastic, but you are also avoiding double-handling by not having to re-bag your produce once you get it home.

Note: It is better that your produce is not moist when you bag it up. Simply wash it when you’re ready to use it. 

Don't mix things up!

Store only one type of veggie or fruit per bag. This is because fruits + veggies ripen at different rates.

They're only as good as what you put in them

Fresh is best! Don’t just buy what’s on offer, ascertain for yourself what is fresh produce and what is not.

If the produce isn’t as fresh as you’d like — either don’t buy it or use it straight away (don’t bag it up).

Green Bags are keep'n it real — fresh! I wouldn't be without mine when I'm too busy to 'shop small'

Make an appointment with Lisa

Lisa Fitzgibbon is a degree qualified (2006), experienced and registered Naturopath & Medical Herbalist. She runs her own private practice – OOMPH in Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand.

Lisa has been involved in the Natural Health industry for 16 years. She draws on her professional training and experience, as well as her own personal experience to bring you realistic, holistic health advice.

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